Saturday, June 15, 2024

10th Birthday Questions

 This post is over a year overdue, but better late than never! Here are their 10th birthday questions:

Name: Alexis Joy Howard
Age: 10
When is birthday: June 7, 2013
Favorite color: purple, red, and black 
Favorite food: rice and beans 
Who is your best friend? Lily and Maggie Hall
Favorite song? Bones & House of Memories by Imagine Dragons
Favorite animal? Orcas, wolves, dogs (German Shepherd)
What are you scared of? Spiders, snakes, rats, mice, spider crickets, bees
What makes you happy? Seeing my friends, being with my family, and reading 
Where is your favorite place to go? Lily and Maggie’s house, both grandparents’ houses, arcades
What is your favorite stuffy? Little Howler, Snoopy, and Buddy (large stuffed German Shepherd)
What is your favorite thing to do? Read and play with my friends
What job do you want to have when you grow up? An accountant or helping Faith with her dog shelter
What is Mom’s favorite thing to do? Relaxing on the couches, reading her Kindle, and drinking her chai. Also going for walks and enjoying warm weather. 
What is Dad’s favorite thing to do? Spend time with us, have a fire in the fire pit, climb, swim, and run.

Name: Jack Micah Howard
Age: 10
When is birthday: June 7, 2013
Favorite color: blue
Favorite food: Pesto pasta, hot dogs🌭🍝
Who is your best friend? Graham and the Halls
Favorite song? Bones by Imagine Dragons, and giants by Imagine Dragons 
Favorite animal? Labradors, Beagles, and tigers
What are you scared of? firearms
What makes you happy? Presents, Legos, Nintendo, and music and reading 📖 Harry Potter 🦄🪵🪄
Where is your favorite place to go? The basement, playground at Fort Hunt Elementary 
What is your favorite stuffy? Rascal, Spot, and Pecky
What is your favorite thing to do? Draw, play my violin,🎻 swim, and play with Legos 
What job do you want to have when you grow up? Aerospace engineer, motorcycle builder 
What is Mom’s favorite thing to do? Sit in the sun and read 
What is Dad’s favorite thing to do? Go to the climbing gym with me and run

Name: Faith Elizabeth Howard
Age: 10
When is birthday: June 7, 2013
Favorite color: pink, sky blue, yellow 
Favorite food: watermelon😛
Who is your best friend? Lily and Maggie!!
Favorite song? House of Memories
Favorite animal? Cheetahs, Hawks, and Huskies🐺
What are you scared of? Heights, bees, small spaces (claustrophobia)
What makes you happy? Hugs, family, dogs, friends, having fun ❤️ 
Where is your favorite place to go? The pool, Lily and Maggie’s 🏡 🏊‍♀️ 
What is your favorite stuffy? Husky
What is your favorite thing to do? Read a good book, go to the pool, play with friends 
What job do you want to have when you grow up? To own a dog shelter, and maybe run a donut shop
What is Mom’s favorite thing to do? Bask in the sun, relax and read a good book 
What is Dad’s favorite thing to do? Climb, play sports, and do outdoor adventures 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Graham turned 6 (in April)

Here are Graham's answers to his annual birthday questions! 

Name: Graham Howard
Age: 6
When is birthday: April 23 (close)
Favorite color: orange and green 
Favorite food: z bars, fig bars, chicken nuggets, cheese pizza, pesto pasta, candy
Who is your best friend? Jack
Favorite song? Luigi’s Mansion Theme song
Favorite animal? Koala
What are you scared of? Monsters, bees 
What makes you happy? Jack
Where is your favorite place to go? The Variety Store
What is your favorite toy? Fox Lodge Lego, Waddle Dee stuffie, and other birthday gifts 
What job do you want to have when you grow up? Robot maker
What is Mom’s favorite thing to do? Clean
What is Dad’s favorite thing to do? Work

Monday, January 2, 2023

20 Years Away From "Home"

Twenty years ago today my parents were helping me unload a bedroom's worth of stuff from a U-Haul into an apartment I had never seen before. Micah and I had both just moved across the country as we were transferring from our separate colleges in Michigan to the University of Colorado at Boulder. He moved in with his sister in Westminster, and I moved into an apartment in Boulder with a couple of girls I had never met. 

It was really scary to move across the country, especially since the only people I knew in Colorado were Micah and his sister. This was before FaceTime or social media. I didn't even have a cell phone yet! I was young, and I didn’t know much about the world, but I was determined to make the move work. 

Within the first couple of years of living in Colorado, I remember flying back to Michigan for a visit. I met someone on the plane who had moved away from Michigan 20 years ago. I remember thinking how crazy that sounded. Twenty years sounds like an eternity to someone in their early 20's!

The "20 Years Away From Michigan" mark has stuck with me over the years. Occasionally, I’ve thought about what life would be like when I have lived away from Michigan for 20 years. It was impossible to imagine, but fun to think about.

Now I am here. I am 40-years-old and it's been 20 years since I left "home." So much was unknown, but I am glad I took that first giant step as life is truly interesting and amazing when you allow yourself to be brave. I’m excited to see what will happen in this next decade of our lives.

Micah and I at the overlook above Boulder when we first moved

My parents and I at the overlook above Boulder when they dropped me off

My room in my first apartment

My room after I rearranged the furniture a few months later

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

9th Birthday Interview Questions

I've been asking the kids the same questions every year since their 3rd birthday. It's fun to see how their answers evolve each year!


What is your full name? Alexis Joy Howard 

How old will you be on your birthday? 9

When is your birthday? June 7, 2013 [they finally know their birth year]

What is your favorite color? purple

Favorite food? hot dogs, ribs, and drumsticks 

Favorite dessert? chocolate and vanilla twist ice cream

Best friend? The Halls and the Clubbs 

Favorite animal? dogs and wolves

What are you scared of? Spiders and other bugs

What makes you happy? A bunch of presents and a birthday cake

Where is your favorite place to go? To a park

What do you want to be when you grow up? Vet, dog rescue person, dog foster person, or a dog walker 

What is your favorite thing to do? Being with my family and reading

What is Mom’s favorite thing to do? Bake

What is Dad’s favorite thing to do? Run and snuggle

What is your favorite subject in school? Math 


What is your full name? Jack Micah Howard

How old will you be on your birthday? 9

When is your birthday? June 7, 2013 [they finally know their birth year]

What is your favorite color? blue

Favorite food? pesto pasta

Favorite dessert? ice cream

Best friend? The Halls (Lily and Maggie)

Favorite animal? tiger

What are you scared of? criminals, bank robbers, and Putin

What makes you happy? Legos

Where is your favorite place to go? Legoland

What do you want to be when you grow up? Aerospace engineer [just like Dad] 

What is your favorite thing to do? Building with legos, making cardboard creations, and watching Star Wars movies with Dad

What is Mom’s favorite thing to do? I don't know, go for bike rides?

What is Dad’s favorite thing to do? Watch me play baseball

What is your favorite subject in school? Language Arts


What is your full name? Faith Elizabeth Howard

How old will you be on your birthday? 9

When is your birthday? June 7, 2013 [they finally know their birth year]

What is your favorite color? pink

Favorite food? watermelon

Favorite dessert? moose tracks ice cream

Best friend? Lily & Maggie, Mr. & Mrs. Clubb, and the Krafts

Favorite animal? dogs

What are you scared of? dying

What makes you happy? Waking up in the morning (because I'm alive) and petting a dog

Where is your favorite place to go? To the pool, the Hall's backyard, and Mrs. Clubb's house

What do you want to be when you grow up? Work at a dog shelter. Or maybe I'll just have a dog and let my husband go to work.

What is your favorite thing to do? Doing something with my family, reading, and drawing

What is Mom’s favorite thing to do? Have the kids go to bed so she can relax.

What is Dad’s favorite thing to do? Go for a run, work with the kids on sports

What is your favorite subject in school? Math

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Graham is 5!

Graham turned 5 in April and I kept meaning to finish his birthday blog post, but I've been struggling to find time. Although it's cliche, the truth is that things don't get easier or less busy as kids get older, it is just different. When the kids were younger I could plan on some down time during naps, but I haven't had a child that napped since Graham turned 3! And although our kids spend more time playing independently than when they were younger, many evening are busy with sports. Plus. the kids go to bed much later now, so there isn't as much time (or energy) after they go to bed to get stuff done. 

In addition to the normal busyness of life, we did some traveling and we were sick right around Graham's birthday. We traveled to New York over Graham's birthday to visit Legoland for a day and to go to NYC. We had a great time, but we must have caught Covid while we were there. Covid made its way through our family, but thankfully the kids only had mild symptoms (fevers, sore throats, headaches, and coughs for a couple of days), Micah was asymptomatic, and I never got it. After having Covid, we traveled to Michigan and finished up our homeschool year. Things just never seem to slow down!

He opened some of his presents before we went on our NY trip


His last night as a 4-year-old (in the hotel)

Opening gifts on his birthday

His favorite gift - a Pokemon battlefield backpack

We took a carriage ride around Central Park on his birthday

More Central Park

We got cupcakes from a fancy shop

Graham has a little toy minion that he named "Sycamore." He was excited when he saw that the minions had also been to the Empire State Building.

Although this post is delayed, here are some things about Graham at age 5.

Height: At 42 inches he is the same height Alexis was at this age (he’s taller than Jack was and shorter than Faith was). He grew 2 inches in the last year.

Weight: Physically he’s our heaviest child at this age, which is funny because he’s only 35 lbs (still very light compared to other kids his age). He gained 4.5 lbs in the last year!

Sleep: Jack and Graham continue to share a room and it actually works out quite well despite the age difference. Bedtime is between 8:30 and 9:00, and lights out is around 9:15. Most nights Graham decides to just rest while Jack reads in bed, and sometimes he even falls asleep when Jack is still reading. Graham wakes up between 8:00 and 8:30 most mornings, although sometimes he even sleeps later. None of our other kids slept in at this age, but homeschool has allowed us to be on a later schedule. 

Food: He’s not a very adventurous eater. His favorite foods are Iced Oatmeal Z bars, Fig Bars, Chobani Mixed Berry yogurt, applesauce pouches, pesto pasta, pizza, quesadillas, chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and salami. He also enjoys most fruit and he’ll eat broccoli (steamed) and carrots (cooked and raw). He'll also eat all desserts!

Preschool: School was great for Graham. I was sad that he missed out on a year of preschool because of the pandemic, but this year he went MWF from 9-12. Although most days he complained about having to go to school, he always came home with stories about what he did there. He really seemed to grow as a person during the school year. The school, St. Aidan's, focused on moving and playing outdoors, but they also spent some time working on letters and such. It was a wonderful school and I felt great about dropping him off there while the big kids and I worked on homeschool.

Writing His Name: For some reason, Graham was resistant to learning to write his name. For Valentine's Day, though, he was supposed to write his name on cards for his classmates. He decided to sit down and do it all in one day, and that was the day that he memorized how to write his name. He still didn't know the letter names, though, so Grandma taught him to sing the letters of his name to the tune of Happy Birthday (they did a little bit of "Grandma School" while our family was stuck at home with Covid). 

Music Class: On Thursday mornings the kids and I attended an outdoor music class for homeschool families. This was a highlight of our week as all of the kids enjoyed the class, and it was great to interact with other homeschool families. At the beginning of the year Graham didn't participate much, but by the end of the year he happily did drum solos, danced around with the class, and sang along to the songs. It was awesome to see him grow musically this year.

Drumming during class

In the spring we spent a lot of time playing in the muddy stream while dancing to music!

Speech: Graham's speech has come a LONG way in the last year. He started speech therapy right before his 4th birthday with a private therapist. In the fall he switched to a speech program through the local school system, and it worked out well. On Monday afternoons I brought him to the neighborhood elementary school where he met with the speech therapist for 30 minutes 1:1. On Tuesday mornings a preschool resource teacher came to our house and worked with him 1:1 for 45 minutes. Going to speech at the school was one of his favorite things to do every week, and it was amazing for me to have 45 minutes of someone working with him in our home while I worked with the other three on homeschool. When we first had him evaluated for speech over a year ago we were told that he had a stutter, but that seems to have disappeared on its own. He will continue with a private therapist over the summer and then he'll probably switch back to the school program in the fall. He still drops his S at the beginning of some words and he has a lateral lisp that makes his speech sound a little slushy, but his articulation is so much better that I rarely have to help others understand him these days.

Art / Creations: Graham loves to draw and recently he’s really into coloring in his drawings (and he colors well!). He also loves to create things out of paper and cardboard, just like Jack. They spend hours working next to each other creating things like Star Wars weapons and such. I'm always amazed by what he comes up with. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings when he didn't have school, he mostly spent time making things or drawing while we did our homeschool. 

He made the letter G out of math manipulatives


We decided to do topic and country posters for homeschool, and Graham wanted to do them too. He studied Koalas as his topic and then Australia as his country. 

Graham's corner of the schoolroom for displaying his art

Sweet Personality: He's very affectionate and randomly he’ll say, “Mom I don’t think I’ve given you a kiss, a hug, or an I Love You today.” He loves to give me kisses on the cheek and to be held. I'm trying to savor these moments as I know that they won't last forever.

One day when we had our baby chicks he decided to "teach" the chickens.

Holding a baby chick.

When we went to Mount Vernon recently he did an excellent job of reading the map all by himself.

His room for the last two years. Sadly we have to move soon, but it's been fun to have this giant mural by his bed.

"Meditating" while we were on an evening walk. I have no idea where he comes up with these things.

Play: He’s into playing with the big kids now. He still plays by himself a lot (he gets really into his imagination), but he can easily play with the others too. He loves to play Legos with his siblings. He also likes to ride on the “B machine” (teeter totter swing) in our backyard. Jack and Graham like to play with their Harry Potter wands and do other reenactments from tv shows or movies. He also enjoys riding on the back of the Trail Gator that is hooked up to my bike.

Photos: Most of my photos these days are of Graham (his request), or taken by Graham of something he’s created. 

He has the best bedhead

"Take a picture!" We were doing a geometry lesson outside with toothpicks and marshmallows and Graham joined in.

I have tons of random stuff like this on my phone

"Take a picture!"

Reading: Like his siblings, he really enjoys books. He loves being read to, but he’ll also spend a lot of time looking at books by himself. He's even written some of his own short books!

Conquering Fears: He’s still not that excited about play structures at parks because he doesn’t like being up high and looking down at the ground, but he will go on them. He shocked me when we went to Legoland and he decided to do the rollercoaster. Admittedly, he did not really enjoy it, but he tried it!

He was really nervous about this slide, but when he finally agreed to try it he loved it.

Climbing the Magnolia tree in our yard.

Annual Birthday Questions

What is your name? Graham Andrew Howard

How old are you turning? 5

When is your birthday? April

How old is Daddy? five a hundred

How old is Mommy? five a hundred

What is your favorite color? All the colors

What is your favorite food? Z bars and ice cream

Who is your best friend? Luke (a friend from preschool)

Favorite song? Ninjago

Favorite animal? Koala

What are you scared of? The darkness and the Dark Lord (in Star Wars)

What makes you happy? Koala

Where is your favorite place to go? Australia and New York

What is your favorite toy? My minifigure and koala

What do you want to be when you grow up? A koala hospital person

What is Mommy’s favorite thing to do? Listen to Alexa's music

What is Daddy’s favorite thing to do? Eat candy

Empire State Building

Birthday cupcakes in the hotel room