- "Do you get any sleep?".... Do I really look that awful? Sometimes I'm sure I look pretty tired since I'm running around taking care of three babies all day, but they are 10 months old not newborns, so yes we get sleep.
- "Are they identical?".... I just told you I have two girls and a boy, so how would that even be anatomically possible?
- "The boy looks smaller. Is the boy younger?".... I just told you they were triplets so I don't understand how that would be possible.
- "Can I take a picture?".... These are our children not our pets and I don't know you, so NO. I honestly cannot believe people ask us this like we are an exhibit at a zoo.
- "I don't know what I would do if I had triplets.".... Some people act like this is the worst thing that could have happened to me and they are downright wrong. Our children are amazing and although having three babies at once has its challenges, we love each of them.
- "You don't look like you carried triplets.".... What does someone that carried triplets look like? I didn't know there was a specific look or body type. I guess this is a compliment saying I have lost the weight, but I feel like it's a really strange thing to say to someone.
- "I thought twins was bad.".... Having triplets is not a curse and it's not "bad." Honestly.
- "I'm jealous." .... This is just as strange as saying it's a bad thing to have multiples as this person obviously isn't thinking about all of the challenges of not only carrying three babies in utero but also taking care of three babies at the same time.
- "I feel bad for the boy." .... People say this ALL of the time and I definitely don't get it. Because he has two sisters? Because he doesn't look like Alexis and Faith since they're identical? Because his automatic playmates are girls? Triplets are just like any other siblings. They are individuals who may or may not play together through the years and I'm sure he will be a great husband someday since he will most likely understand girls in general better than most guys do.
- "Do you take care of them yourself?!" .... Why is this so hard to believe? Micah comes home after work and helps out, but other than that and family visits I think I do just fine alone most days.
- "I can't wait until they have hair." .... Okay, only one person has actually said this to me but I still don't get it. She was a random customer at Costco so I doubt we'll ever see her again. And aren't they just as cute with their short, blond hair? I certainly think they are!
So if you ever see someone out with triplets just smile or say the babies are beautiful. You might be curious about how a mom takes care of them alone or whether or not the triplets were spontaneous, but no one would ask a mom with a single baby these questions so just accept the fact that every mom is doing her best and the path the parents took to get their beautiful baby (or babies) is not important.