Sunday, December 1, 2013

Family Visits

Two weekends ago Micah's parents came down from CO for a weekend visit. Although they only live about 4 hours away, they hadn't been here since Labor Day weekend as they had a busy fall and whenever it worked in their schedule it didn't work in ours. We visited them a few weeks ago, but it was great to see them again at our house.  The babies really enjoyed their time with their paternal grandparents too!

Alexis (left) and Faith (right) with Grammy
Alexis, Jack, and Faith with Grammy

We love books!

Faith (left) and Alexis (right) with Grandpa Howard

My older brother, Kyle, his wife, Jodi, and their two kids, Brayden and Adelle, arrived on Thanksgiving day for their first trip to ABQ. We are so excited to have them here to spend time with them and the triplets, and also to show off a little of ABQ. So far we have mostly just enjoyed hanging out at the house and taking care of the babies, which is surprisingly fun for 8-year-old Brayden and 7-year-old Adelle, and yesterday we made it to the zoo. This was the triplets third time to the zoo and this time they actually spent a portion of the trip in the baby carriers, instead of just sleeping in their strollers, and they really did seem to enjoy looking at some of the animals! My brother's family leaves Wednesday morning so we still have a couple of more days together, which is great!

Cousins! Left to right, front to back: Jack, Alexis, Faith, Brayden, Adelle

Kyle with Alexis, Faith, and Jack

Christmas PJ's from Grandma and Grandpa! L to R, F to B: Faith, Jack, Alexis, Brayden, Adelle

L to R: Jack, Brayden, Alexis, Adelle, Faith

Jodi with Alexis, Jack, and Faith


Brayden and the girls


Adelle with Jack

Adelle and Jack

Jodi and Jack

Alexis with her uncle and cousins

Adelle with Alexis

Brayden with Alexis

Adelle and Jack

Adelle and Faith

Adelle feeding Jack. Makes me wish I had a 7 or 8-year-old around all of the time as they can actually do a lot for the babies!

Brayden and Jack

Adelle with Alexis and Brayden with Jack

Jodi reading to Faith and Jack

Singing to the babies

At the zoo in carriers! I have Faith, Micah has Alexis, and Kyle has Jack.

And here are some other random pics from the last couple of weeks....

Working on ice climbing gear with Jack

Thanks for the booties Great Aunt Judy! L to R: Faith, Jack, Alexis

Faith doing tummy time

Faith with her daddy

Jack being his smiley self

Alexis and Faith wearing their Christmas outfits

Jack is definitely a thumb sucker! We have completely stopped offering him the pacifier as he prefers his thumb and always finds it at nap time and at night to fall asleep.

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