Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Part 1 of Holland in August

How does one possibly cram a fun-filled 14 day trip in Michigan visiting family into one blog post? We did numerous fun things every single day and I wish I could share every cute photo! I've decided to write a couple of posts covering our trip, but feel free to just look at the photos as I know the details aren't as important to anyone else as they are to me for looking back on in the future.

Day 1 (Saturday): Our flight didn't depart ABQ until 3:00 p.m. so we were able to take the kids to our neighborhood park in ABQ in the morning, and then put the kids down for a short nap (although Faith didn't nap) before leaving for the airport. Micah and I expected the kids to be content on the flights since we loaded iPads with their favorite shows and movies, but unfortunately this did not work out as expected. One problem was that they had to wear headphones and we only tried them on the kids once before leaving on our trip, so they weren't used to them. The other problem was that they were strapped in their car seats and there was so much else they wanted to explore on the plane, but somehow the six of us survived the two flights and a short layover in Minneapolis (Micah's mom flew with us as well). Despite having a hard time keeping the kids entertained and happy, everything else went smoothly.

Dropping off our luggage in ABQ. I found this great car seat cart on Craig's List and we carried the other two car seats on our backs.
Micah walking down the jetway with a car seat on his back and pushing an empty stroller with Faith and Jack's assistance. Everyone was feeling very independent (as usual!).
Alexis watching a few minutes of Daniel Tiger before takeoff.

Day 2 (Sunday): Some of our friends from ABQ moved to Ohio a few months after our babes were born and we hadn't seen them since. By chance they were in Holland, staying at another one of their friend's house on the lake, the weekend that we arrived, so we were able to see each other for a few hours before they drove back to Ohio. It was great to catch up with them, plus we enjoyed meeting their new babe! We are hoping that they will come out to ABQ for a visit soon.

Obviously we talked in advance and color coordinated our outfits. Thanks for the great visit Joneses!

The evening was spent with my family.

Jack was blown away by the balloons that Grandpa shot into the air. Every single time he made a perfect "O" with his mouth, which had the rest of us cracking up.

Adelle and Jack chasing the balloon

The rest of the family on the sidelines watching the balloon chasers

After going out for ice cream we stopped at Kyle and Jodi's to run around in their backyard. This was the first time our kids jumped on a trampoline and they thought it was amazing!

Day 3 (Monday): We visited Micah's grandparents in their nursing home. The kids did a great job entertaining their great grandparents by doing "Ring Around the Rosie" and "Teddy Bear Teddy Bear."

We all fall down! (very gently because the floor is tile...)
Posing with Micah's grandparents

In the evening we had family photos taken with my side of the family.

The kids playing in the sand before the photos. They visited the beach last summer but they were too young to understand it, so it was all new to them this year and they loved it! There was a lot of sand throwing, though, so they still have a lot to learn about the beach.

Micah throwing in the air Lexi before photos. Unfortunately there was a little mix up as to where we were meeting the photographer so the kids were already pretty tired before we got the photos started, but there are some good ones.

Day 4 (Tuesday): We went out to breakfast, visited the Outdoor Discovery Center, and in the evening we went to Kent and Emily's house to see their animals and then played at a park.

Sitting on Grandpa and Grandma's porch swing in the morning before breakfast playing "Where's your....?"

Jack petting Kent and Emily's new kitten Lily

Lexi and Faith looking at Kent and Emily's dog Cooper

Day 5 (Wednesday) and Day 6 (Thursday): My parents took care of the kids while Micah and I were on our anniversary trip. I know the kids did several fun things such as go to the Farmer's Market, hang out with their cousins, go to a Spray Park, go downtown to see Street Performers, and go to Dutch Village, but besides knowing that they were happy and well taken care of I don't know many of the details. I'm hoping my mom will do a blog post with her point of view of taking care of our trio alone for three days.

Day 7 (Friday): We took the kids over to Micah's parents' house in Holland as he had to fix the sprinkler. The kids enjoyed running around the spacious backyard and it made us wish even more that ABQ yards weren't so tiny.

Lexi trying out the tricycle at Grammy's Holland house

The kids exploring the large backyard in the house Micah grew up in

We went to an extended family gathering on my mom's side in the evening.

Swinging at the family picnic. This park had five baby swings, which is amazing as most only have one or two.

Day 8 (Saturday): We spent the morning at the beach.

The girls playing in the wet sand
Jack getting soaked in the waves with Micah standing guard

In the evening we went to Kyle and Jodi's house for dinner and we played outside afterwards.

I think Uncle Kyle is one of Jack's favorite people because he has a guitar! What Jack doesn't know is that this used to be my guitar but I gave it to Kyle when I realized I was never going to learn to play and he was interested learning. Jack was so happy to have a real guitar on his lap, but there were quite a few tears when he had to share it with his sisters.

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