Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Activities

This year we decided to take the kids to the Galloping Grace Pumpkin Patch, which isn't actually a real pumpkin patch at all as it's set up in a parking lot near some office buildings. But luckily the kids don't care about whether or not they are at an actual farm, and they had a great time feeding the animals, walking through the "corn maze," going down the bumpy water pipe slide, climbing up hay bales, and playing in corn kernels. At the end of our visit, each kid picked out a small pumpkin which only cost $1 each, which is a good thing since we put them on top of our car when we were loading the kids in their carseats and then totally forgot about them until we were driving away! Fortunately, we were able to rescue the pumpkins and they only suffered minor cracks.


Headed up to the slide

When the kids picked out the small pumpkins at the pumpkin patch I knew we wouldn't be able to carve them, but that was fine with me since they don't know about pumpkin carving yet and I knew I would have to do all of the work. Instead I bought markers during one of our trips to Target, and I let the kids color their pumpkins. This was still a bit messy as marker tends to get everywhere when two-year-olds use them, but it was way less messy than pumpkin carving, and the kids seemed to enjoy it. Jack even put a few stickers on his pumpkin.


On Halloween morning Micah went climbing with a friend, so Val and I met at the Botanic Garden. This was a great choice as the zoo was doing their annual Halloween event so everyone was there, and we basically had the Botanic Garden to ourselves! It was a great way to wear out the kids so that they napped well before a busy night of trick or treating.

The kids and I stopped in the aquarium before Val and her kids arrived, and there were only two other visitors in there with us. It was great!
Feeding the fish and ducks in the Japanese Garden.
For Halloween the whole family dressed up as a mountaineering team. We thought of this idea last Halloween when we imagined trick or treating with three two-year-olds. Since a mountaineering team usually walks roped together (so that if anyone falls down a crevasse they can be rescued by the other climbers), we thought it would be the perfect solution to three wandering toddlers. In reality, though, it is hard to for toddlers to walk and not get tangled in one another and they didn't like being restricted, so Micah ended up carrying the rope as part of his costume. I also wore a sign that said "Mount Everest 2035" so that people would have some idea as to what we were.

After the kids woke up from their nap, we put on our costumes and tried to take them outside for family photos. This was a bit of a flop as although Faith woke up from her nap completely happy, which is rare, she was not excited to be in her costume and tied into a rope with the rest of the family. Jack and Alexis were mostly compliant, though, so we got a couple of good photos.

Micah, Alexis, and Jack
Faith was not happy about this situation
Alexis, Jack, Faith, and myself. Another bonus of this costume idea was that we didn't spend a dime as we already had everything!
We then went to a church Community Group party for dinner and trick or treating. We did this last year as well, and I think both years our kids were a little more excited about being dressed up when they saw all of the other kids in their costumes.

Trying for a family photo, but the glow sticks were pretty interesting
Although there was a large group of kids and adults at the party, when the actual trick or treating started the group naturally split up as the older kids moved much faster than our two-year-olds. We ended up doing the majority of our trick or treating with some friends from church that have a 2-year-old son, and this worked really well as all of the kids moved at the same pace. We did end up carrying each of our kids quite a bit as we stopped at about 12 houses and it was a long way for the kids to walk, but I don't think it would have worked to try to pull them in a wagon with all of the other trick or treaters so overall it worked fine.

Faith, Alexis, Kyper, and Jack waiting for someone to answer the door while trick or treating
I'm sure next year Halloween will be even more exciting as the kids will understand it a lot better. Hopefully we will be able to think of another fun idea so that the entire family can dress up again.

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