Wednesday, July 9, 2014

13 Months

I was going to start doing quarterly updates instead of monthly, but since so much has happened during the last month I've decided I will at least do monthly updates until they're adjusted 12 months. Since the monthly photo sessions are an incredible amount of work, though, I've decided I'll just post a few current pics instead.

How old? 13 months (11 adjusted)

Our weights: 
Alexis: 18 lbs 2 oz (+ 1 lb 4 oz from last month)
Jack: 17 lbs 4 oz (+ 1 lb 1 oz from last month)
Faith: 17 lbs 9 oz (+ 14 oz from last month)

I am so excited that we actually have a baby over 18 lbs as I was hoping they would all be this size when they turned one. Everyone had great weight gain this month, and I am especially excited about Jack's weight gain since the last two months he only gained 3 oz.

Size clothes: Most of the 9 month clothes have been outgrown at this point, although Jack seems to have shorter legs as he can fit in 9 month pants but 9 month tops are too small.

Eating schedule: We dropped a bottle since the last monthly update which has made things easier. They now drink bottles around 7:30, 2:00, 7:45, and 10:45. Yes, we have been hanging onto their late night bottle as I do believe it has helped them gain weight and sleep through the night, but we have plans to drop that in the next week or so. They eat meals around 8:30, 12:00, and 5:30. Some days I give them some Cheerios and water to snack on before dinner as they seem to need a little extra at that time. I'm sure that snack will evolve into more very soon.

Naps: Naps are still going great and they generally nap from 10-12 and 2:30-4:30, plus or minus 30 minutes on the start times.

Bedtime: We had a bit of a rough time getting Jack to fall asleep at bedtime for a week or so, but that seems to have worked itself out. Most nights all fall asleep easily on their own and even sleep through their 10:45 p.m. bottle.

Favorite foods:  We have introduced so many new foods as we have pretty much been feeding them what we eat. Lexi definitely prefers fruit, Jack prefers grilled cheese and some meats, and Faith likes pretty much everything. We are almost completely off purees! No one has been very interested in eating from a spoon so although we still feed yogurt at breakfast, we only add purees with other meals if they are not eating well.

Food dislikes: Right now they are willing to eat most foods, but I have realized that they don't enjoy leftovers as much as they enjoy something the first time around. I've been the same way in the past, so maybe they got that from me :).

Likes: Everyone's favorite toy is always the one that their sibling is playing with. They all love to play with the sunscreen bottle, the butt paste tube, clean diapers (and dirty if they get to them before we can stop them), and pretty much anything else that isn't really a "toy." They love to wrestle with us and each other. They love toys they can walk behind but all of them need some practice with that. They spend a lot of time playing with their "house" toy that they got for Christmas.

Dislikes: They still dislike getting cleaned up after meals or getting their diapers changed. Faith gets really upset if we carry a toy upstairs as she seems to think it's disappearing forever. No one likes getting the toy they are playing with taken away by one of their siblings.

Our milestones: 

Faith's biggest news from last month is that she cut her two bottom teeth! They are still not very noticeable, but they are slowly growing in. She has been practicing cruising furniture and walking holding our hands. She also will let go of whatever she pulled herself up on and stand for a few seconds on her own. Faith bear crawls in the grass.

Lexi now gets into the seated position on her own and she is crawling on all 4's 100% of the time. She can pull herself to standing using anything (a wall, slider door, etc), she does a little cruising with furniture, and she crawls really fast. Like Faith, Lexi bear crawls in the grass. Lexi also cut her two bottom teeth during the last month!

Jack now crawls on all 4's most of the time and he easily pulls himself to standing! Jack has been getting a lot better at eating finger foods as he gagged a lot in the past (which sometimes made him vomit). Although he seems like he is always teething because he's constantly chewing on his thumb, Jack didn't cut any new teeth this month. 

Everyone also has more hair these days, which is great as they all were practically bald for so long! For some reason, Jack's hair grows straight up while the girls' hair lays more flat.

All three make lots of babbling noises, but I don't think they're really saying words yet. Jack did say "Mom" a couple of minutes after I walked in the door after spending the weekend in Seattle, so maybe he has connected that word to me. The girls constantly say "da da da" but I don't think they've connected that to Micah yet. It does get pretty loud around here with all of the chatter!

Here are some fun pics from the last month...

Jack post raspberries



Evening walk: F, J, A




We are borrowing this tunnel and they all love it! Jack is in the front, Faith is in the tunnel, Alexis is on the outside.

L to R: F, A, J

Waiting for the bath to fill: J, A, F

Faith and Alexis watching Micah get the water table ready

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