Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It All Starts With B!

Has anyone else ever thought about the fact that so many baby related things start with the letter "B?" I think about it so often that it's starting to drive me crazy (or maybe that's the lack of adult interaction in my days), and I need to write about it just so I can stop thinking about it.

I'm sure there are more things out there, but here is the list I have come up with:
  1. Birth
  2. Baby
  3. Boob
  4. Bottle
  5. Basinette
  6. Blanket
  7. Binky
  8. Bath
  9. Booties
  10. Boppy
  11. Bumbo
  12. Bouncy seat
  13. Bib
  14. Backpack (our diaper bag)
  15. Butt paste
  16. Basket (we use these for everything)
  17. Booster seat
  18. Bowl
  19. Book
  20. Ball
And so many things could be added to the list just for starting with "baby" such as: baby gate, baby wipes, baby carrier, babysitter....

I've been wondering why so many things start with the letter "B." Obviously some things are not just baby related (blanket, bath, ball, etc) but some are made up words for baby items (Bumbo, Boppy) so they were named with a "B" on purpose! Is this because we think of the letter "B" when we think of baby stuff? Or because "ba" is one of the first sounds a baby makes (along with "ma" and "da")? Or did this just happen and now people like me think about this kind of thing during our days?!?

Okay, hopefully I can now think about more intelligent things for the rest of my day. Let me know if I missed anything though!

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