Sunday, August 31, 2014

Highlights from Holland: Part 3

The second week of our trip was somewhat less busy since the wedding events were over and Micah was gone as he flew back to ABQ the Sunday after the wedding (someone has to work to support the family!). As I mentioned in my last post, the babes all had colds and unfortunately I caught it as well so for a few days we stayed close to home as I didn't have much energy to go out and do anything. Although the babes have had four colds in four months this is the first one I caught from them. I was happy that I had the help of my parents with the babes while I was sick. Towards the end of the week we got out more but it was still relatively low key.  Here are some pics from our second week in Michigan.

Hanging out at Grandpa's and Grandma's house. The window seat was the perfect height to stand at and look outside

We met up with two of my aunts and two of my cousins for lunch so that they could all spend some time with the babes. 

We spent a lot of time hanging out with my brother's family. The babes loved playing with their 7-year-old cousin Adelle and 9-year-old cousin Brayden!

There is a monkey at a local garden store so we stopped there one afternoon for a quick visit. The babes enjoyed watching the monkey eat and run around his cage.

The babes also got into mischief! Two books were destroyed and the duck puppet lost its hair. I guess we should prepare ourselves for more destruction in the future!

We spent one evening at Ottawa Beach on Lake Michigan and all three enjoyed putting their feet in the water and exploring the sand (and Faith liked to taste the sand).
Grammy and Alexis


Grandpa and Jack


Faith (and Grandma)

Faith and my mom's friend Barb

The inflatable pool continued to be a hit, even without water

More cousin fun!

Brayden, Adelle, and Aunt Jodi sung many animated songs to the babes and Faith was really serious about listening

Crawling around Grandpa's and Grandma's living room table was so much fun!

Our last lunch before hitting the road

We had a few apple cider donuts while we were in Holland (yum!). These were the last ones before leaving. Besides crackers, this is the first thing we have let them eat whole and they did a great job! Maybe we can do less cutting in the future!

Jack and Alexis holding hands while driving back to the airport.

One last pic with Grandma and Grandpa before hitting the road! L to R: F, J, A
Throwback pic from last October: Grandpa and Grandma with J,A, F...what a difference 10 months makes!
We had a great time in Holland and we were sad to leave our family behind. We are looking forward to our next trip to Michigan....maybe Christmas?!

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