Sunday, September 7, 2014

15 Months

How old? 15 months (13 adjusted)

Our weights:  (I'm not sure how accurate these are since it's hard to weigh babes who don't want to sit still on the baby scale...although they love to play on it!)
Alexis: 18 lbs 13 oz (no change from last month)  
Jack: 17 lbs 12 oz (+ 5.5 oz from last month)  
Faith: 18 lbs 8 oz (+ 1 oz from last month)

Size clothes: Mostly all 12 month...although they are wearing some 12-18 month tops and some 9 month two piece PJ's. They seem to be able to fit into so many sizes because they are long and skinny.

Eating schedule:  Not much change from a month ago except that the afternoon bottle and nap is now 30 minutes later. Bottles are now fed around 9:45, 2:45, and 7:45. Breakfast is around 7:00, lunch around 12:00, and dinner between 5:30 and 6:00. They also sometimes get a small snack before dinner depending on when they get up from their afternoon nap.

Naps: Naps are still going great and they generally nap from 10:00-12:00 and 3:00-5:00. We are starting to wonder if we need to decrease the total hours of sleep during the day, though, as they are starting to wake up earlier and earlier in the morning. They were waking up between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. but recently there have been days where one or two wake up between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m....which is totally not okay with Mommy and Daddy.

Bedtime: Bedtime is still going very smoothly. Occasionally Jack still cries for a few minutes when we lay him down, but not at all like he used to do. Our nap and bedtime routine is pretty simple: they drink a bottle on their Boppies and then we lay them down in their beds wide awake. Usually they babble for a few minutes and then fall asleep. 

Favorite foods:  Same favorites as last month and a couple of things have been added to the list: salmon burgers and yogurt smoothies. Grammy made salmon patties when we visited them last weekend and all three gobbled them up! I started making yogurt smoothies for breakfast this week (a few spoonfuls of plain whole milk yogurt, some fruit puree, and a little whole milk to thin it out) and Jack and Alexis absolutely love it. Faith isn't quite as excited as the other two, but she'll drink some of it. This has been great since they don't want to be spoon fed anymore but we needed to get more dairy in their diet.

Food dislikes: Same as before. Most veggies are not eaten and it's amazing to me that they seem to know that something is a veggie before they even try it! This week I gave them ravioli with parmesan and spinach in it and Faith thought it was absolutely disgusting. She would take a bite, spit it out, and then throw it on the floor. Very dramatic and frustrating for me, but amusing at the same time.

Likes: In addition to the things they've liked in the past, they love to play on the furniture which we don't normally let them do since they can't climb up themselves yet and they don't know how to get down safely. To make it accessible and safer, we've been taking the couch cushions off and laying them in front of the couch so that they can easily climb up and down (or fall off for fun). This has provided hours of entertainment. 

Faith's reflux sleeping wedge has made a great climbing ramp / slide


Lexi and Jack

Jack going down

When I make dinner they always seem to want to be at my feet or they're trying to play with the knobs on the stove so at that time I take out the plastic mixing bowls and large spoons and they all get so excited! This distracts them for awhile so I can finish cooking.

For some reason they all love to brush their teeth! Of course they want to do it themselves and not have me do it, but I get in there and get a few good brushes in and then let them chomp on the toothbrush. 

They all love to watch me vacuum, although I can't do it much when they're around as they chase me and get tangled in the cord. Recently I got a dust buster which they find very exciting, and it's great since I don't have to worry about the cord.

For the most part we don't let them watch TV or play with apps on the phone or iPad, but when everyone is falling apart I do turn this stuff on as a last resort. They love "Baby Babble" on You Tube and the Peekaboo Farm app. At least it's educational!

Watching "Baby Babble" after attempting to play outside by the water table (which is why they are in diapers). All three find everything in the backyard so interesting so after several minutes of chasing them around and pulling rocks out of their mouths we came back inside and turned on the TV for a few minutes. I'm looking forward to the day that time outside is relaxing for me again! Faith is in the box with a stuffed dog, Jack is looking back at the camera, and Lexi is right below the TV.

Stuffed animals are now interesting and fun for them and they like to hug them and carry them around. It's so cute.

Random plastic toys are thoroughly enjoyed as well as all three like to carry these around with them. It doesn't matter if it's a plastic orange, plastic cucumber, a block, or a random plastic lid, they just find it fun. And of course whatever a sibling has is the best toy to have at the moment so they continuously take toys from each other. 

All three with a plastic toy lid. It was passed around all day and carried in the mouth by all.

On the floor with Lexi (left) and Faith (right). Faith loves that plastic orange!
 They also all seem to love dogs. I'm not sure where the dog obsession came from as I'm not a dog person myself, but they all squeal when they see dogs when we're out walking and it's super cute.

They also enjoy:

Swinging! We have been stopping at the park down the street a few times a week for short rides in the swings.

Faith in front and Lexi in back.


Climbing into and sitting in boxes!


Faith, Jack, and Alexis in a box!

I found an inexpensive inflatable pool that we can use outside next year, but for now all are enjoying climbing in and out of it. J, F, A
Dislikes: Like I mentioned last month, all three are very opinionated about what they want which has made my days a bit more challenging. Giggles can quickly turn to tears if someone feels they have been wronged or hurt by one of their siblings. 

Our milestones: 

A lot has happened in the last month, but one of the things that I'm most excited about is that we are no longer using our Rock n Plays for bottle feedings and the babes now hold their own bottles! This might sounds ridiculous but up until August 8 the girls would only drink their bottles if they were laying in a Rock n Play with their bottles propped by blankets, and Jack would lay on a Boppy with his bottle propped. We started this set up last December when they were strong enough to have their bottles propped (for awhile all three were in Rock n Plays), but we never expected it to become something that we would have to wean them from! On August 8th we left for MI and we were there for 17 days. While we were there we either held the babes for bottles (because we almost always had two or three adults around, unlike when I'm at home alone with them) or laid them on pillows and held their bottles while they drank. A day or two into the trip Jack began holding his own bottle! Although I was worried about what we would do when we got home since I would be on my own again, we laid all three babes on Boppies, handed them their bottles (instead of putting them in their mouths), and after a few days back home they were successfully drinking their bottles on their own! What a relief! The next step is to wean them from the bottle, but now that they have the bottle holding thing down I'm not as anxious to do it since this is so easy! 

One of our last days of bottle propping. Now they lay on the Boppies and hold their own bottles!!
Faith is WALKING! Since last month she has been practicing by pulling up on furniture and taking some steps on her own, but she was still quite wobbly. But on August 27 she started standing up on her own in middle of the room and walking around! It is amazing to watch her walk around the family room and kitchen while Alexis and Jack crawl as it makes her transition to walking so obvious. She LOVES to walk and is quite proud of herself. 

Faith walking around the house (holding the plastic orange).

Faith has also started climbing on stuff and it won't be long before she figures out how to get on the couch with the cushions still on. This is making me quite anxious as I no longer feel like I can leave the room for a few minutes to go the bathroom or grab the laundry because I'm afraid she'll have climbed up and fallen off of something by the time I get back! I'm sure a lot of parents feel this way but if you only have one babe you can take her with you to the bathroom and that's just not feasible with three. 

Faith thinks it's more fun to stand on the seat...

Faith also has three new teeth this month! They are all on top so she now has two bottom teeth and three top teeth.

Faith is also a talker and the other day she was sitting in her stroller as Micah walked up and she waved and said (what sounded like), "Hi Dada." I think she's also saying "up" and she's trying to say "doggie." Faith babbles constantly and it is very conversational. I'm expecting her to say more words very soon!
Lexi is now very good at standing on her own (pulls up on something and lets go) and she has even stood up in middle of the room a couple of times without pulling up on anything. She watches Faith walk around the house and tries very hard to take steps on her own although at this point I've only see her take one before falling. One hurdle Lexi has is that she tries to walk on her toes, but I have been focusing on pushing her back onto her heels when she stands up and she is getting much better at that.

Lexi has one new tooth that has just popped through on top, so she now has two bottom teeth and one on top.

Lexi is also working on her words. She says: yeah, hi, mama, and dada. She also sounds like she is trying to say "doggie." Like Faith, Lexi loves to talk. 

Lexi talking on the phone

Lexi was carrying this spider around in her mouth

Jack has been working on standing up by himself in the middle of the room and for the most part he has conquered it! He is also walking between people and has taken up to four steps! I don't think it will be much longer before he is really walking.

Jack cut three more teeth this month which gives him a total of 8 teeth...four on top and four on bottom!

Jack tries to mimic words which is super cute. If I say "kitty" he says "tee." He can say: mom, dada, up, and he attempts to say doggie as well. 

Mama's boy

Jack trying on his new fleece outfit. We are planning on going on a camping trip soon so we decided to buy some warmer layers. It's pretty big on him but that means we can use it all winter. He looks so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What happy littles they all are! So fun to read about their development. Every stage is so beautiful!
