Saturday, June 18, 2016

Father's Day

On Micah's first Father's Day Alexis, Jack, and Faith were only a couple of weeks old, and I'm sure he didn't truly "feel" like their father yet since we weren't caring for them full time while they were in the NICU. For Micah's second Father's Day, when Alexis, Jack, and Faith were just over one-year-old, I started a tradition that I hope to continue for many years to come. I had them hold the letters to "DAD" in birth order. The first year I had to take the photos one at a time since I couldn't get them all to sit on the couch and smile at the same time. Last year I also had trouble getting them to sit together. This year was the first year that I was able to capture all three in a somewhat reasonable photo.

Top: 12 months old
Bottom: 24 months old
Trying to get a pic of all three at 24 months old

PHOTOS FROM THIS YEAR (36 months old)

Wild Lexi
Silly Faith
Goofy Jack
Pic collage of all three
All three looking at the camera and smiling at the same time! Next year maybe the letters will show the correct way too.
Alexis, Jack, and Faith peeking through the letters
Micah, you are an amazing Daddy to Alexis, Jack, and Faith. They love you deeply and miss you all of the time when you are not around. They have so much fun with you, but I am thankful that you are not one of those "fun only" kind of dads. You definitely share the workload with me when you get home from work and on weekends. You get them in their car seats when we go away, you make sure they use the potty before we leave the house, you aren't afraid to take them to the potty in public, you discipline them when necessary, you make sure they eat meals, you prepare many of their snacks, you aren't afraid to comb the girls' hair, and you help me navigate our crazy life in raising triplets. Thank you for being a great dad to Alexis, Jack, and Faith, and an awesome partner for me in raising our children. We love you!

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