Friday, July 21, 2017

Graham at 3 Months

This post is a day early because we were supposed to be driving to Michigan right now, but instead of leaving early this morning we were delayed when Faith threw up first thing this morning. Such is life with kids! Although I'm disappointed that we aren't on the road, I'm trying to make the best of this extra day at home, so while the kids watch movies and Graham sleeps I'm blogging! We are hoping to leave tomorrow morning barring no one else gets sick. 

Age: 3 months
Weight: 11 lbs 11 oz
Length: 23 inches (best's hard to measure a baby so I didn't even bother with our trio)

Jack wanted to join in this photo session

Size Clothes: He has outgrown his 3 month PJ's, but he can still fit into his 3 month onesies and pants. I remember that our other kids always outgrew PJs first too. Almost all of Jack's 6 month clothes were winter clothes, but I found a few summer things secondhand for Graham already. Although Graham is a small baby according to the growth charts, he weighs more than Alexis and Faith weighed at 6 months (4 months adjusted) and than Jack did at 5 months (3 months adjusted).

Naps: Naps are a work in progress. If we are home in the morning I try to put him in the pack n play to nap, which sometimes works. As the day goes on he seems less likely to nap, but he always falls asleep when I put him in the Ergo carrier. His naps are usually about 45 minutes and he naps 3-4 times during the day. I know it's going to be much harder to get him on a nap routine than it was with our other three simply because we are out doing things most days. It's easier for me to put Graham in the carrier to nap while we are out than it is for me to deal with three stir crazy 4-year-olds.

An afternoon nap in his pack n play today! It might be the first time ever!
Night Sleep: In my opinion, this has been going really well. Graham has only woken up once a night to nurse during five of the past six nights! He does take a little while to fall asleep at night and I'd like him to go to bed earlier since our other kids go to bed at 7:30, but he's been sleeping from about 9:00 pm to 7:30 am with one night waking between 3:00 am and 4:00 am. I am only up with him for about 20 minutes each time he wakes.

Eating: I've been trying to stretch out Graham's feedings as I think we've both gotten into the habit of him eating every 1.5-2 hours, but it's really hard to keep that up when we are out of the house. Since I knew we were going on a long road trip soon and we didn't want to stop so often to feed Graham if we didn't have to, this past week I decided to try to feed Graham every 2-2.5 hours. The total time that he ate during the day stayed about the same, and he didn't have any trouble spacing out the feedings. In fact, he also started waking a little less at night so maybe his body is learning to be more efficient. Because of this change, Graham now eats about 9 times a day (as opposed to 11 times a day). I hope we can keep this up!

Food intolerances: Currently I am not eating dairy, soy, gluten, avocado, beef, and pork. Since eliminating all of this, Graham will go up to a week without vomiting, although there still seems to be issues with his stool. I'm feeling quite confident that Graham has a dairy intolerance since I tried adding cheese back and it resulted in another massive vomit. The others I am suspicious of based on working with a Kinesiologist and trial and error. Also, I recently tried eating beef for the first time in six months and decided I'm just fine without it. Since getting sick twice after eating beef while pregnant, I think I have a permanent aversion. I've decided to avoid onions for awhile too as there is still something in my diet that is bothering him and causing the occasional large spit up / vomit. I plan to try adding some of this back in the future, but for now I just want him to be able to keep his meals down and gain weight.

Likes: Graham loves it when people talk to him, so sometimes when I'm busy doing something and he's getting fussy I ask one of the big kids to talk to him for a little bit. Although they get bored with it quickly, it usually helps for a few minutes. He also loves to be in the Ergo carrier. His frog Wubbanub has quickly become a favorite and he has been able to put the pacifier part into his own mouth a few times. If he can't find the pacifier part he's generally content chewing on part of the frog. He really enjoys pacifiers in general as he always wants one while in the Ergo and when falling asleep. He also enjoys laying on his activity mat and batting at the toys.

Dislikes: Sometimes Graham gets really upset in the car seat and he is inconsolable until he falls asleep or we take him out of his seat. He also prefers to be carried, so if I set him down when he's not okay with it he loudly protests. We are realizing how relatively easy going our trio were as babies since they didn't demand to be held as much, which is good since we couldn't physically hold them all of the time!

Milestones: Graham is getting much stronger at tummy time and he's able to move around his arms and legs. I've even seen him do a small pivot!

Places he's been: We have continued to go places like parks and stores. This month we've been to a few friends' houses for play dates (for the big kids) and other occasions. It continues to be fairly easy for me to get out of the house with Graham since he is breastfed and going out doesn't require a lot of forethought. Plus he's just ONE baby so he's very easy to carry around :). We also went on a quick climbing trip to Las Conchas with Graham in tow.

In the stroller at the zoo

Things he does that make us smile:
He is a smiley boy and all of us love when he smiles at us. He also makes cute babbling noises and he loves to suck on his fist.

Howard Trio's Thoughts:
"What's your favorite thing about your baby brother?"
  • Alexis: smiling at him and hugging him
  • Jack: (kisses him)
  • Faith: I like making him smile and making him laugh

And here are some other photos from the past month...

Our first date since Graham was born

4th of July weekend with Grandpa and Grammy

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