Thursday, October 9, 2014

About the Author

I stumbled upon the list of "25 Random Things About Me" that I posted to Facebook 5 1/2 years ago. It was one of those chains that was going around and I was tagged by someone else, so I had to post things about me and then tag others so they did the same. I find this list interesting because although I now live in a different state, I don't work outside the home, I have three kids, and I can hardly find the time to work out, so much of this list is still true! Although my priorities have changed since having my trio 16 months ago, and I don't have much free time due to caring for my babes, I really am the same person as I was in February 2009. So, if you are wondering about the author of this blog, here are some facts about me.

1. I have been married to Micah for over three (now nine) years and we have been together for over a decade (now over half of our lives)
2. I love driving back to MI with Micah because it gives us so much time to just sit and talk. (This would be great in theory, but when we drove to visit his parents a couple of weeks ago we spent the four hour drive either shouting over crying, singing to calm the crying babes, or in silence so we did not wake the babes. So much for quality time together!)
3. I had my “dream job” when I was in high school – working at a candy store – what could be better?? 
4. I LOVE chocolate. Seriously. I know most people like chocolate but I am addicted and I eat it every single day (see #3). 
5. I am addicted to mini Cadbury eggs - the solid chocolate eggs in the crisp shell not the ones with the gooey center (although those are very good too!). 
6. Lemon Drop Martinis are my favorite drink and we have perfected the recipe. 
7. I am also addicted to Starbucks’ Chai and their Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Maybe I just really like to eat and drink… 
8. I have arthritis in my big toe thanks to my mom’s genes and my love of running. 
9. I am the only person in my entire family, including aunts, uncles and cousins, that lives outside of West Michigan. (I do have one cousin that lives outside of West MI now and a couple of another cousin's children do too, but for the most part this is still true)
10. I have a very strong Midwestern accent which will probably never go away no matter how hard I try (apparently it is “bag” not “baaag”). 
11. I am still friends with my best friends from elementary / middle / high school even though most of us live in different states. 
12. I enjoy traveling but I hate airports! 
13. I love “To Do” lists and I enjoy working on our personal budget. 
14. I always do my taxes as soon as I get all of the forms in the mail because I love getting the refund check (although I realize I need to adjust my withholding so I don’t get a return, but it is fun to get!). In fact, I usually do them in December to estimate how much of a refund we will have. 
15. I feel most happy when I am training for something – like a triathlon or marathon. I need goals to motivate me and I love going for bike rides and running. (I wish I had time to train and that my babes were a bit more consistent with sleeping through the night so I had more energy!)
16. I really enjoy making workout / training plans. 
17. I love to get rid of things – going through the fridge and cupboards to find expired food or deciding which clothes I don’t need anymore is so much fun! Too bad Micah doesn’t like it when I go through his stuff – there is just so much I could get rid of . (Now it is even more fun as I have baby stuff to get rid of!)
18. I would much rather get paid less and be able to work fewer hours than get paid more and have to work all of the time! (And now I just work all of the time and don't get paid at all....hmmmmm)
19. I love to bake cookies – I try to bake some every week! (I need to start this again ASAP)
20. I can’t decide what I really want to do someday for a job. Right now I am between Personal Financial Planner, personal organizer (like the people on Clean Sweep on TLC that help you get rid of things), having a bakery or something fitness related. (It never crossed my mind to be a stay-at-home-mom of triplets!)
21. One day I hope to live someplace where I don’t have to drive 20 minutes or more to see a friend or go to work. I feel like I waste so much time in the car every day. (Success! We have friends that are 5-10 minutes away and I don't even have to leave the house to go to "work")
22. I have had more bad haircuts in my life than I can count (like one side being literally two inches shorter than the other!). Too bad haircuts are so darn expensive out here in CO and I want to pay MI prices… (Haircuts don't matter anymore because I wear my hair in a ponytail every day as it doesn't make since to have a cute haircut when I am busy changing diapers and just need my hair pulled back)
23. We pay $13 a month for our cable, which seems to baffle most of our friends. We just don’t watch much tv and it’s a great way to save $$$. (It's gone up but not much)
24. I wish I lived closer to my family, but I love the Colorado sunshine! (Good thing NM has sunshine too!) 
25. I can’t wait for Micah to be done with his PhD and to see where life takes us from there! (And we're here...ABQ and triplets!)

1 comment:

  1. O kendra! Loved this! You were, and most definitely continue to be, one of my fave people ever.
