Saturday, October 18, 2014

Four Years in ABQ

Four years ago we were saying goodbye to Colorado. We had lived there for eight years and so many things had happened in our lives (we held multiple jobs, we graduated from college with many degrees, we got married, we did a ton of triathlons and marathons, we bought and sold our first house, more about it here: Goodbye Colorado).

Now that we are four years into our lives in ABQ I am feeling a bit sentimental. Obviously Colorado is very special to us as we went through a lot of change while we were there, but ABQ is beginning to feel like a more permanent place. We've never had any real thoughts of leaving since Micah really enjoys his job and there aren't many places he could work instead (having a PhD limits your options), but some days it's still shocking to me that I live in New Mexico. No offense to anyone who is from New Mexico, but it's just not a place that people usually dream about living.

Since we moved to ABQ four years ago, our lives have taken a 180 turn. We were both fortunate to have full time jobs when we moved in October 2010 and we enjoyed having two incomes immensely. We were able to pay off all of our student loans, go on vacations, and buy a new car. When we first moved we went out to dinner almost every weekend and we traveled almost every weekend (to a climbing area or someplace else fun). In August 2012 we went to South Africa to visit our friends, who have since moved back to ABQ, and then I went to Italy with my brother. Outside of work hours, our life was overall fun and carefree.

On a run in Hawaii. Micah had a conference there and I went along, and then we stayed for a few more days to enjoy the sights together. 
But the last two years could not have been any different. We wouldn't change anything, but I decided to quit my job before going to South Africa (for many reasons which I won't get into here) and a few months later we found out we were pregnant with triplets! Originally I thought I would find another job, but that plan quickly changed when we learned about the high-risk pregnancy I would endure and not wanting to send three babies to daycare at once. I had always dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom so I was thankful that the decision was an easy one for us, but obviously our financial situation changed drastically. We went from two incomes for two people to one income for five people. We are fortunate that Micah has a really good job, but it's easy to get used to a certain lifestyle.

During the first half of 2013 I only left ABQ once: to visit Micah's parents in Monte Vista in February before I was super pregnant. The rest of the time I spent preparing for the babes and resting. I hardly know what the word "resting" means now, but that was vital for healthy triplets so I spent a lot of time with my feet up on the couch reading or watching TV.

The second half of 2013 was so crazy I hardly remember it. Our babes were born on June 7, 2013, we spent the next couple of months going back and forth to the hospital to visit our babes in the NICU, and the next few months after that we had a ton of out-of-town visitors that came to help with the babes while we did our best to figure out how to take care of three babes at once. As you can imagine, there weren't a lot of trips during the second half of 2013 either (although we did make it back up to Micah's parents once in November).

Although Micah did get in some climbing trips during 2013, we didn't do as much together as we had in the past, so 2014 has been about figuring out how to go on climbing trips and do other activities that we enjoy with three babes (now toddlers) in tow. Obviously we won't be going on any two-week vacations in another country anytime soon, but we have been to Ouray, Denver, Michigan (twice), Monte Vista (twice), camping (twice), and we've gone on several climbing day trips as a family. These trips have taken a lot of planning, patience, and lowered expectations (it's simply impossible to squeeze much climbing in when taking care of three babes), but they have all been worth it.

Since moving to ABQ four years ago we've lived in three houses. One for six months, one for almost three years, and now almost eight months in our new house that we bought earlier this year. We held off on buying when we first moved as we wanted to save money and figure out exactly where we wanted to live, and I am extremely glad we made that decision as we would never have ended up with our current house since our requirements have changed so much since we moved to ABQ four years ago!

It's probably a good thing that we didn't know what the future held (and still don't!) as we may have freaked out at the thought of it, but we are so thankful for the drastic changes in our lives as, in some ways, it is even more fun than when we had our weekends to ourselves.

Now our focus is on these three cuties

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